The Messenger

The Messenger, image from IMDB

Movie: The Messenger

Starring: Ben Foster, Woody Harrelson, Samantha Morton and a small, but important role by Steve Buscemi (Boardwalk Empire season 3, can’t wait!)

Released: 2009

Reviewed by: Robert

Good Evening,

With this blog out of service for many months it seems strange to be adding a new post.

But, I couldn’t think of a better place to release some thought stuffs.

Okay, on to the review type situation. I just finished (or am currently finishing) watching The Messenger. It was a fantastic movie by all accounts. The acting was phenomenal and the subject matter was heartfelt through and through. I was waiting a long time to see this movie and forgot about it until it showed up on Netflix.  The movie received many well deserved accolades because of the acting and directing. But, the on screen chemistry between Foster and Harrelson needs to be mentioned and I hope to see them working together on another project some day.

The film goes through the lives of two men given the task of notifying the families of soldiers who were killed in action during the Iraq War. Both men are struggling with their own issues and as they are forced to deliver devastating news they are able to build relationships with those who they are notifying and more importantly, with each other. Woody and Ben develop a strong relationship which pushes them to explore what they are doing and why they are doing it.

With the help of some of the supporting cast, specifically Steve Buscemi and Samantha Morton this film had me deeply invested in all of the character’s lives and only imagine how serious this issue is. This movie is a must watch because it forces the viewer to examine a side of war that has been previously untouched.

If you have a Netflix account I highly recommend taking the time to watch this movie.


NEW YEAR'S EVE in  TIMES SQUARE 2011   -    Manhattan, New York City  -   12/31/10 & 01/01/11

Image: asterix611 on Flickr

Movie: New Year’s Eve

Starring: Everyone. Okay, Sarah Jessica Parker, Ashton Kutcher, Katherine Heigl, Abigail Breslin, Jessica Biel, Seth Meyers, Robert DeNiro, Halle Berry, Alyssa Milano (for two seconds), Zac Efron, Michelle Pfeiffer, etc.

Released: 2011

Reviewed by: Joey

We went and saw this together, but let’s just use Rob’s refusal to review this one as a indicator of how he felt about this movie. Now let’s go back 10 months or so, when on (or around), Valentine’s Day, I took (took, made, same thing) Rob to see, you guessed it, Valentine’s Day. From what I recall, he didn’t like that movie a lot, so I’m guessing he didn’t have high hopes going into this one. Me on the other hand, absolutely did. Continue reading

Happy Holidays!

Christmas Kittens 2009

Christmas Kittens - Joey and Rob circa 2009

Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas to you and your families from us!

We know we’ve been low on the blogging with all the holiday festivities, finals for Rob and work for both of us, but we promise three reviews of movies that are raking in the dough in the theatres right now. (None of which which are of the Christmas themed or animated variety, because we save those for DVD releases.)

Thanks for reading, and all the best!

– Joey & Rob

Gods + Mortals vs. Mickey Rourke

Immortals 2011 Still - Henry Cavill

Immortals 2011 Still - Henry Cavill by crumpledMAG, on Flickr

Movie: Immortals

Starring: Henry Cavill, Mickey Rourke, Stephen Dorff, Freida Pinto, and Luke Evans

Released: 2011

Reviewed by: Rob & Joey

Joey says: We try to avoid 3-D movies as much as possible. We both dislike them, and I especially hate being a 6-eyes, wearing glasses on top of my glasses. (Nerd-tastic!) Also – did you know a price of a 3-D movie is now $17.50?! What is that? Luckily, I scored a free movie with my Scene points, or else it would have been a $35 date. Pricy stuff for an university student who just bought Skyrim and a new professional who just bought shoes and a pretty shirt. (Ha. Whoops.) Continue reading

This is one tower that falls short

Ben Stiller

Ben Stiller by Reckon, on Flickr

Movie: Tower Heist

Starring: Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy, Casey Affleck, Alan Alda, Matthew Broderick, Téa Leoni, Michael Peña and Gabourey Sidibe

Released: 2011

Reviewed by: Rob and Joey

Rob says: It is my responsibility as an unbiased reporter of things that aren’t overly important to provide you with my insight into the movie Tower Heist. I went into this movie wanting to love it remembering movies like Zoolander and (insert good Eddie Murphy movie here). Continue reading

But they just want to dance!

Everybody cut...

Everybody cut... by SanFranAnnie, on Flickr

Movie: Footloose

Starring: Kenny Wormald, Julianne Hough, Dennis Quaid and Andie MacDowell

Released: 2011

Reviewed by: Joey

This was another movie I watched while on the island with K (we like movies), who wanted to see it, but I haven’t even seen the original in its entirety. I know, I know, it’s a classic – but I became scared of Kevin Bacon after watching Hollow Man, which I saw before I knew about Footloose (the original), so after that, I didn’t care for seeing him dance. Completely illogical, I know.  Continue reading

No time for “In Time”

In Time ticket

Movie: In Time

Starring: Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Murphy and an appearance by Olivia Wilde as Mama JT (confusing, right?)

Released: 2011

Reviewed by: Joey and Rob

Joey says:  We really like Cheap Movie Tuesdays – $6.99 for a movie? Well that’s cheaper than a bottle of nail polish. (I’m only using that reference because I’m still deciding whether or not it’s too passé for me to buy a bottle of OPI’s “Shattered” for $2 more.) Continue reading

‘Cuz I’m Country Strong

Country Strong by an0nym0us

Country Strong by an0nym0us, on Flickr

Movie: Country Strong

Starring: Gwyneth Paltrow, Tim McGraw, Garrett Hedlund, Leighton Meester (or Blair as I referred to her throughout the entire movie)

Released: 2010

Reviewed by: Joey

My first review is a solo one – I’m stuck at home sick and Rob’s at work.

I watched Country Strong last week on a visit to the island for a girls’ weekend with one of my best friends. (Oh hey there, KC.) Continue reading


Hi there and welcome to our little corner of the interwebs. We’re a couple of 20-somethings who  share a love of watching movies and witty banter. Rob’s brother suggested that we should share these things with the rest of the world and start a blog, so here we are!

We will be blogging about movies that we see together, and ones that we see apart (being halves of a quasi-long distance relationship, we have some nights alone and bus rides to fill up). Hopefully, our posts will motivate you to go see that movie you were thinking of seeing (or sway you away from it!) or just provide you with some laughs and entertainment.

Movies have been a part of our relationship from the very beginning, and they’ve continued to be a part of our lives as we move forward together. So stay and read for awhile, and be a part of our cinematic adventure!

– Joey & Rob